
Aviso de gripe

11 de enero de 2018

Estimados Padres o Guardianes:

Esta es la temporada del año en que mucha gente se enferma con la gripe, también llamada “influenza.” La gripe se ha extendido más temprano que de costumbre y es más severa este año en San Diego y por todo el país.

La gripe no es solo un resfriado severo. Aunque los síntomas son similares a los resfriados y otras enfermedades respiratorias, la gripe puede ser una enfermedad grave. Los síntomas incluyen fiebre, tos, dolor de garganta, dolores musculares o corporales, escalofríos y fatiga. Los niños podrían sentir nausea  o vómito debido a la gripe. Los niños y bebés y las personas de edad avanzada son los más vulnerables a enfermarse seriamente debido a la gripe. Con frecuencia, cuando los niños de edad escolar se enferman, llevan el virus a su casa y exponen a otros familiares, incluyendo a bebés y abuelos.

La mejor manera de protegerse a sí mismo y a su familia de la gripe es vacunándose. ¡No es tarde para vacunarse esta temporada! Se recomienda que todos los miembros de su familia de 6 meses o mayores se vacunen. La vacuna está disponible a través de su médico particular, clínicas comunitarias, centros de salud pública y farmacias locales. Para una lista de ubicaciones, visite www.sdiz.org o llame al 2-1-1.

A continuación aparece una lista de maneras en la que usted y sus hijos pueden evitar que la gripe se propague:

Si su hijo(a) has sido vacunado(a), pero tiene síntomas de la gripe, es importante que busque atención médica. Su hijo(a) no debe ir a la escuela hasta después de 24 horas que le haya desaparecido la fiebre o cuando su médico le indique que ya no podría contagiar a otros.

Ayude a que sus hijos estén saludables en la escuela vacunándolos contra la gripe. Puede aprender más sobre la gripe y cómo prevenirla visitando el sitio de los Centros para el Control y Prevención de Enfermedades y haciendo clic en Información sobre la gripe para padres de niños pequeños.


Dr. Jay C. Marquand, Director de Alternative Education


Influenza Information (English)

January 11, 2018

Dear Parents and Guardians,

This is the time of year when many people in our community become ill with influenza, also called “flu.”

The flu is widespread earlier and more severe this year in San Diego and throughout the nation.  The flu is not just a bad cold. Although the symptoms may be similar to colds and other respiratory illnesses, flu can make people very ill.  Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, severe muscle or body aches, shaking chills, headache, and fatigue. Children may also have nausea and vomiting with the flu.  The very young and very old are most vulnerable to serious flu illness.  Often, when school-age children become ill, they bring home the virus to other family members, including young infants and grandparents.

The best way to protect yourself and your family from flu is to get vaccinated.  It is not too late for this season!  Everyone in your family who is 6 months and older is recommended to get the flu vaccine. Vaccine is available at your medical home, community health centers, public health centers, and retail pharmacies.  For a list of locations, visit www.sdiz.org or call 2-1-1.

Here are some additional ways you and your children can help prevent the spread of flu:

Even if your child has had the flu vaccine, if your child has symptoms of the flu, it is important to seek medical attention for your child.  A child with influenza should not attend school until at least 24 hours after fever ends or your provider indicates that the child is no longer contagious to others.

Help your children stay healthy in school by getting them vaccinated for flu.  You can learn more about the flu and how to prevent it by going to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Flu Information for Parents website here.


Dr. Jay C. Marquand, Director of Alternative Education


Friday, December 15, Minimum School Day for All Students:

Learning Centers:

  • 7:00 a.m. – 11:10 a.m. – Depending on which 2 hour session your child attends, all Learning Centers (except Montgomery and San Ysidro) will be closed at 11:10 a.m.

OR (depending on your child’s schedule)

  • 7:55 a.m. – 12:10 p.m. – This schedule only applies to the Montgomery High School Learning Center and the San Ysidro High School Learning Center

Independent Study, Home Hospital Education and Teen Parent Education:

  • 7:30 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.

OR (depending on your child’s schedule)

  • 8:00 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.

Community Day School:

  • 9:15 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.

Please check with your teacher if you have questions as to which schedule is appropriate for you.

For more detailed information about Winter Break please click here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_F5jf1V6dqlcHdORlZTaUhkOUE


Thanksgiving Holiday Closure

November 16, 2017

Dear Students and Families,

On behalf of the faculty and staff in the Department of Alternative Education, we hope you enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday.  During this time of year it’s always important to reflect on the many opportunities we are thankful for in our lives and in our department we are especially thankful for your beautiful children that you allow us to be with every day.  In addition, we want to send our well wishes to those families that cannot be together over the holidays, including our brave parents in the military forces who serve this great country and are unable to be with their families.  Have a restful and relaxing holiday season with friends and loved ones and please be aware of the following:

Schools and Services Closed, Monday, November 20 – 24, 2017: Please be aware schools and services for students in the Sweetwater Union High School District and the Department of Alternative Education will be closed in recognition of the Thanksgiving Holiday.  Schools and services will resume normal hours of operation on Monday, November 27, 2017.

As always, please visit the Alternative Education website for more information about our services at:



Jay C. Marquand, Ph.D.
Director of Alternative Education


2017-18 Hanover Climate Survey

From: Manuel Rubio
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2017 3:35 PM
To: Manuel Rubio
Subject: 2017-18 Hanover Climate Survey
Importance: High

Good afternoon Team SUHSD,

On behalf of the Sweetwater Union High School District, we are excited to announce the Third Annual Hanover Climate and Satisfaction Survey.

Over the past two years we have had over 2,500 staff and over 2,000 parents and community members took the Hanover survey and share their feedback about a number of important items. Your responses to the survey will help us in continuing to improve our district and ensure that we are Putting Students First.

The Climate and Satisfaction Survey is being administered by a leader in the field of educational research, Hanover Research in Washington, D.C.  – some of you may be familiar with the Hanover surveys that our colleagues at Chula Vista Elementary have been conducting for several years.

We encourage all staff to take about 15-20 minutes of your time to fill out the survey at this link: https://www.surveygizmo.com/s3/3750475/2017-18-Staff-Climate-Satisfaction-Survey-Sweetwater-Union-High-School-District. Hanover directly collects all survey responses and they are 100% anonymous and strictly confidential. Hanover Research shares only the final tabulated results with the Sweetwater Union High School District.

In addition, we ask you to encourage any and all parents and community members to take the survey that is available on the district website at: https://www.sweetwaterschools.org/2017-18-climate-and-satisfaction-survey/ Both surveys will close on Friday, December 8, 2017.

If you are experiencing any difficulties or have any questions, do not hesitate to contact the SUHSD Grants and Communications Office at (619) 691-5578. Again, thank you and we look forward to hearing from you!

–Manny Rubio


Manuel Rubio
Director, Grants and Communications
Sweetwater Union High School District
1130 Fifth Avenue
Chula Vista, CA 91911
(619) 691-5578

Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/SUHSD
Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/SUHSD



September 25, 2017

Board Item – Q.-1.

Issue:  Resolution No. 4524.

Superintendent’s Recommendation:
Adopt Resolution No. 4524, Designating the Month of November 2017, as National Native American Heritage Month.

The State Board of Education has adopted a resolution designating November 2017, as National Native American Heritage Month. This is an opportunity for the Sweetwater Union High School District to recognize the Native American heritage, culture, traditions and contributions of the students, parents and community members who participate in the educational programs and opportunities in this district. The History-Social Science Framework for California Public Schools supports the recognition of different ethnic groups through incorporating a multicultural perspective in the curriculum. Students learn that the national history is the story of many peoples and one nation.

The district’s schools’ leaders are urged to involve students in appropriate lessons and meaningful instructional activities and programs during this special month to commemorate Native American Heritage Month.

For questions regarding this board item, please contact Ana Maria Alvarez at (619) 691-5546 or ana.alvarez@sweetwaterschools.org.

Fiscal Impact:

ATTACHMENTS:  Description Type
Resolution # 4524
Resolution Letter

REVIEWERS: Department Reviewer Action Date
Instructional Support Services Vicedo, Deanne Approved 9/21/2017 – 10:14 AM